Storm Chasing – Tour 7 Day Five

22 June 2022

Salina, KS to Dodge City, KS

413 km

Never forget to check the alarm clock in the room to see if it’s on. When it’s set for three, you can go back to sleep. When it’s set for six, that ain’t happening.

We met up for ten and Bill had decided to chase the marginal in southern Kansas since the good prospects for Thursday had moved from Nebraska to Kansas. We headed southwest and stopped at the Pueblo Neuvo for lunch.

We went as far as Pratt and the systems were already forming. We went east to Kingman and made a couple stops.

There wasn’t enough shear and there was a high pressure system just to our south so the storms were forming and collapsing.

We headed east and stopped at one system that had some structure.

The rain caught up to us and we went back to the highway and continued east where a couple storms had some potential.

One was next to a farm of metal sculptures that I remember visiting before.

We made one more stop for a rainbow that evolved into anticrepuscular rays with a little lightning.

Our hotel for the night was the Best Western in Dodge City.




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Bill Reid’s entry on 22 June 2022


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