15 June 2018 – Check Out That Sky.

Tour 6 – Day Five

We were up early and on the road by eight as northwestern Wyoming was looking good. We booted it west and gained an hour before we entered South Dakota. I had lunch at the same Taco Johns in Belle Fourche which had locked the doors on us.

The grilled wrapped taco hit the spot.

From here we went into Wyoming, and as we neared Moorcroft, we could see Devil’s Tower in the distance. We drove through Gillette and went south, making a stop to watch a couple of systems form.


When one looked promising, we headed north to meet up with it. We spent more than a half hour watching it but it never developed into anything strong.


Well, except for the hand reaching out to the south.

Mother Nature probably wanted to strangle someone.

There was a little lightning with the storm. I got this with my cell phone using an app called Lightning Camera.

With this Android app, I just held the camera up and it would continuously buffer about five seconds worth of photos. Once I saw a bolt, I hit the button and then checked through the hundred photos that it had saved, picking out the ones with a bolt in them. I could delete the rest and reset it fairly quickly.

Those with an iphone could use a lightning trigger app that worked like a regular lightning trigger. The only problem we found was that it didn’t work as well in daylight.

We left the area just as a couple of rainbows started to form.

We headed south towards Douglas with the hope we’d find a storm to watch at sunset. We found a nice cloud just outside the town.

But it had receded by the time the sun was going down. We went into Douglas and had rooms at the Super 8.

Most of the Super 8s I stayed in had similar photos at the head of the beds. I was sensing a theme.



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