11/12 June 2018 – FOOD!!! FOOOOD!!!!

Tour 6 – Day One/Two

Tour Six started out getting the van repaired from our deer mishap on Tour Five. Our welcome meeting was moved to 10:30 as Bill had to get the radiator replaced. It took until five to do that and then we headed south, taking a test-drive detour through the back roads looking for old houses to look at.

We found a house and an unusually friendly cow who liked to have his ears scratched.

We spent the night in Castle Rock at the Day’s Inn.

I was up at 6:30 and went for a walk. We had our orientation meeting at ten and Bill was watching storms that looked to form just east of the mountains in east/southeastern Colorado. We headed to Colorado Springs for lunch at Rudy’s BBQ.

We were served as a group. They gave us directions on how to order our lunch and a sampler of the brisket and turkey. The folks from the UK were in awe.

I had turkey sandwich with a potato and dessert. I’ve never had turkey so tender and juicy.

From here we headed east and watched the storms, but the one we were targeting to the south started to fizzle and Bill got interested in one just north of Limon, Colorado. We turned north and could see the system through the haze of the fires burning to the south. We made a long stop to watch the system develop.


We relocated as the sun was going down and watched the same system redevelop a little and even show some rotation.


Then as the sun set, the cloud got wispy.

We stayed on the side of the road for more than a half hour. There was a little lightning but the storm didn’t ignite.

By nine, we gave up on the storm and headed to Burlington for the night

This was the third time I got to stay at the Woodspring Suites.



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