My Posts


Well, I just got back from hospital after a minor surgery and just wanted to drop a quick note to say that Braco has been shortlisted for the Margaret and John Savage First Book Award at the Atlantic Book Awards! I am thrilled. Absolutely thrilled!

And delighted to see fellow Breakwater author Joan Sullivan also nominated for the Rogers Communication Award for Non Fiction for In the Field.

You can read the press release here.

Looking forward to the Awards ceremony in Dartmouth on May 16th.


My Posts

Web Presence II

Well, I said I’d finish the weekend with a full head and I was right. It’s Thursday, so it took four days for my head to empty. The two day course on Digital Marketing for Authors was presented by Ross Laird who flew in from BC. That meant, with the time change and the switch to DST, he got up around 1 or 2 am, BC time, on Sunday morning. We appreciated the sacrifice.

He started the weekend by determining the level of “geekiness” of the participants. He even defined a geek for us as someone who chooses “concentration over conformity in the pursuit of knowledge and imagination.” He asked us who knew what www, html and http meant and most got that. He lost us all at CSS. We were level 3 out of 10 on the geek scale. Continue reading “Web Presence II”

My Posts

Web Presence

I’m still working on setting up this blog and tried to put up a post a few times over the past week but writer’s block hit. Which is weird for me. I never get writer’s block. While I was writing Braco, I had a motto that helped prevent block. I cut it from the box my sneakers came in and pinned it to the wall above my computer: Just Do It.

It works. Really.

And this post is proof. I’m doing it! Continue reading “Web Presence”